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Eastern Healing Centre
Eastern Healing Centre

Welcome to Eastern Healing Centre

Do you have symptoms which Western Medicine Cannot treat effectively?

We are a fully ACC accredited . Traditional Chinese Medicine recognised by WHO (World Health Organisation) as a valid form of treatment for many diseases!

Come to us:
  • If you are feeling hopeless about remedying your asthma.
  • if you are suffering from physical disorders.
  • if you are interested in a natural way to treat your health problems.
  • if you are willing to experience an oriental healing method which has been developed for several thousand years.

We would like to provide you with some information about how to prepare your first visit to our clinics in order to make this visit as convenient as possible for you.

First of all we would like to ask you to fill-in the Patient investigation form, Of course you can download here.

Furthermore we want to let you know that each visit to TCM doctor requires intensive cooperation between patient and doctor. You will be asked to observe your body:
  • Head temperature
  • Hand Condition: (warm, cold, swelling & color)
  • Feet condition: (temperature, swelling & color)
  • Bowel Movement Frequency
  • Bowel Consistency
  • Urine Color & Frequency
  • Appetite
  • Sleep Pattern
  • Thirst: Preferred Temperature (cold, warm, hot)
  • Tongue Coating: (dry, wet, yellow, white)
  • Color of Mucus if present
These questions will be asked each time you visit the TCM doctor.

One last request: Please come to us without make-up. You can do your makeup in our restroom after your consultation.

Clinic Notice:

The clinic has been temporarily closed since July of 2024.Thank you for your trust in our clinic over the years. We apologize for the inconcenience !
However our pharmary sales are still going on as usual.
What We Do:

Eastern Healing Centre

More Videos:
Complementary Alternative Medicine - Traditional Chinese Healthy Healing - Traditional Chinese Medicine
Introduction to Acupuncture Introduction to Chinese Medicine Acupuncture